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SW-MOTECH donates €1,000 to the Marburg Parents' Initiative for Children's Dialysis

SW-MOTECH donates €1,000 to the Marburg Parents' Initiative for Children's Dialysis

Mark Pfister (right) of the Marburg Parents' Initiative for Children's Dialysis happily accepts the donation from SW-MOTECH founder and managing director Jürgen Swora (left)

Around 15,000 motor enthusiasts great and small came to Rauschenberg on June 16-17 to take part in SW-MOTECH's largest Open House ever. As always, the rule was "donation instead of admission fee." The manufacturer of motorcycle accessories offered a diverse, action-packed and informative program about all things bike-related, but all activities, including the Monster Energy stunt show and XXL Kid's Quad Course were free to the public. Visitors were simply asked to make a donation.

SW-MOTECH also donated all the proceeds from merchandise sales to charity. In total, the event raised €1,000 for a good cause. This year, the selected charity was the Marburg Parents' Initiative for Children's Dialysis. The charitable organization was founded in 1989 to support the families of children living with kidney disease.

SW-MOTECH wants to thank all the visitors who took part in the Open House and made this donation possible by purchasing SW-MOTECH products.

In 2019, SW-MOTECH will celebrate its 20th birthday and 10th Open House on June 15-16. Once again, the company and its guests will join together to support a good cause.

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Press contact:

Sebastian Lorenz | Tel. +49 6425 8168-092 | [email protected]

SW-MOTECH GmbH & Co. KG | Ernteweg 7-10 | 35282 Rauschenberg | Germany | www.sw-motech.com

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